"^" Button Commands (Cont.)
’%GU<bargraph ramp up>’ = Set the bargraph ramp up time in intervals of 1/10 second. ’%GD<bargraph ramp down>’ = Set the bargraph ramp down time in 1/10 second.
’%GG<bargraph drag increment> = Set the bargraph drag increment. Refer to the ^GDI command on page 121 for more information.
’%VI<video ON/OFF>’ = Set the Video either ON (value=1) or OFF (value=0).
’%OT<feedback type>’ = Set the Feedback (Output) Type to one of the following: None, Channel,Invert, ON (Always ON), Momentary, or Blink.
’%SM’ = Submit a text for text area button. ’%SF<1 or 0>’ = Set the focus for text area button.
’%UN<Unicode text>’ = Set the Unicode text. See the^UNI section on page 126 for the text format.
’%EF<text effect name>’ = Set the text effect. ’%EC<text effect color>’ = Set the text effect color. ’%ML<max length>’ = Set the maximum length of a text area. ’%MK<input mask>’ = Set the input mask of a text area.
Sets the button OFF state as well as the Border, Fill Color, Border Color, Text Color, and Bitmap.
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