Controller I/O Port:F3000000h, F2: Select Controller, F10: Reboot System
Areca Technology Corporation RAID Controller
Main MenuRaid System Function |
Quick Volume/RaidMuteTheSetupAlertBeeper |
Raid Set FuncAlertionBeeper Setting |
Volume SetChangeFunctionPassword |
Physical DrivesJBOD/RAID Function |
Raid SystemBackgroundFunction TaskControllerPriority Fan Detection | |
Ethernet ConfigurationMaximum SATA Mode | Disabled |
View SystemHDDEventsRead Ahead Cache | |
Clear EventStaggBuffer Power | Enabled |
Hardware EmptyMonitorHDD slot LED |
System informationHDDSMART Status Polling | |
Controller Fan Detection |
Disk Write Cache Mode
Capacity Truncation
ArrowKey Or AZ:Move Cursor, Enter: Select, ESC: Escape, L:Line Draw, X: Redraw Disk Write Cache Mode
User can set the “Disk Write Cache Mode” to Auto, Enabled, or Disabled. Enabled increases speed, Disabled increases reliabil- ity.
Controller I/O Port:F3000000h, F2: Select Controller, F10: Reboot System
Areca Technology Corporation RAID Controller
Main MenuRaid System Function
Quick Volume/RaidMute TheDiskAlSeWritrttupBeeperCache Mode
Raid Set FunctionAlert Beeper Setting
Volume Set Function Auto
Change Password
Physical DrivesJBOD/RAID Enabled
Raid System Function Disabled
Background Task Priority
Ethernet ConfigMaximumrationSATA Mode
View SystemHDDEvReadntsAhead Cache
Clear EventStaggerBufferPower on
HardwareEmptyMonitorHDD slot LED
System informationHDD SMART Status Polling
Controller Fan Detection
Disk Write Cache Mode
Capacity Truncation
ArrowKey Or AZ:Move Cursor, Enter: Select, ESC: Escape, L:Line Draw, X: Redraw Capacity Truncation
SATA RAID controllers use drive truncation so that drives from different vendors are more likely to be usable as spares for one another. Drive truncation slightly decreases the usable capac-