main menu and click on the “Create Volume Set” link. The “Select The Raid Set To Create On It” screen will show all RAID set num- bers. Click the RAID set number that to be used and then click the “Submit” button.
The “create new volume set” option allows users to select the Vol- ume name, capacity, RAID level, strip size, SCSI ID/LUN, Cache mode, and tag queuing.
•Volume Name
The default volume name will always appear as “Volume Set. #”. You can rename the volume set providing it does not exceed the 15 characters limit.
•Raid Level
Set the RAID level for the volume set. Highlight the desired Raid Level and press Enter.
The available RAID levels for the current volume set are displayed. Select a RAID level and press "Enter" to confirm.
The maximum volume size is the default initial setting. Enter the appropriate volume size to fit your application.
•Greater Two TB Volume Support
If volume capacity will exceed 2TB, controller will show the "Greater 2 TB volume Support"
For more details please download PDF file from ftp://ftp. areca.com.tw/RaidCards/Documents/Manual_Spec/ Over2TB_050721.zip