Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS)
An analog networking protocol that allows subscribers to exchange messages with any messaging system that also has AMIS Analog Networking capabilities. Messages can be exchanged with subscribers on AT&T Intuity systems as well as with users on remote messaging systems made by vendors other than AT&T.
Audio Information Exchange (AUDIX)
A complete messaging system accessed and operated by
A software program that resolves filesystem incompatibilities and updates restored filesystems to a workable level of service. Audits are done automatically on a periodic basis, or can be performed on demand.
See Audio Information Exchange.
An Intuity AUDIX feature that allows subscribers to indicate that faxes are automatically deleted from their mailbox after being printed.
automated attendant
A feature that allows a user of an Intuity system to set up a main extension number with a menu of options that routes callers to an appropriate department at the touch of a button.
automatic call distribution (ACD)
The System 85, Generic 2, or Generic 3
automatic message scan
An Intuity AUDIX feature that allows subscribers to scan all message headers and messages at the touch of two buttons. With Intuity FAX Messaging, this feature allows all new faxes to be bundled and transmitted over a single fax call delivery call. Also called autoscan.
An Intuity AUDIX feature that allows subscribers to indicate that faxes are automatically sent to a specified print destination.
See automatic message scan.
See American wire gauge.
American wire gauge
A standard measuring gauge for
Issue 2.0 December 1995