Customers may want to play different automated attendant greetings and/or handle calls differently during day and night times. This is done by specifying different automated attendant mailboxes for day and night times in the automated attendant routing table. The routing table also allows customers to specify an automated attendant mailbox for handling calls during the alternate service hours.
Secondary Automated Attendant Mode
Implementation on the MERLIN LEGEND
Automated Attendant service may be used in secondary mode to back up the receptionist. Intuity AUDIX identifies coverage calls for the receptionist and routes these calls to an appropriate automated attendant mailbox. Anytime an external coverage call is received, Intuity AUDIX uses the appropriate automated attendant mailbox number in the routing table as the called party, taking into account holidays and time of day. If no matching entry is found, the called party number received from the telephone system is used to provide standard Call Answer service.
This scheme allows a business to play different greetings and menus depending on whether the telephone system is in day or night mode, even when the automated attendant service is configured to operate in backup mode.
Night Only Operational Mode Implementation on the MERLIN LEGEND System
Some businesses use automated attendant service only when the business is closed. The MERLIN LEGEND system is administered to send calls to the Intuity AUDIX calling group when MERLIN LEGEND system Night Service feature is activated.
A business may want night time calls to go to a night service operator. Only when this operator is unable to answer these call are they redirected to the Intuity AUDIX system. This can be implemented by specifying the night service operator as the Night Service answering position on the telephone system side and then covering this answering position with Intuity AUDIX. The routing table can be used to map the night service answering position extension to an automated attendant mailbox.