The Business Schedule name is arbitrary and can be changed to indicate the use of the specific schedule. It may contain up to eight letters or digits. The default names are “bus1” t hrough “bus4”.
If the Follow Switch Night Service Status field is specified as y, the day service hours start and end times must all be blank. (The alternate service hours can still be specified.)
The Day of Week column is fixed. To specify night service 24 hours a day, leave the start and end times blank. To specify day service 24 hours a day, use 00:00 as the start time and 23:59 as the end time. Alternate service hours are also specified on a 24 hour clock.
■Holiday Schedule(s)
A maximum of four holiday schedules may be defined. Each holiday schedule can have up to 26 entries. The name or number of one of these holiday schedules is placed in the Holiday Schedule column of the routing table to associate the particular holiday schedule with a called number or range specified in the Incoming Called Number column of the routing table.
Each holiday schedule has the following fields and columns:
—Holiday S chedule (name)
—Holiday Name
The Date column is used for matching. The automated attendant extension associated with a match is taken from the Mailbox column of this same table. The Holiday Name column is for documentation only.
The Holiday Schedule name is arbitrary and can be changed to indicate the use of the specific schedule. It may contain up to eight letters or digits. The default names are “hol1” through “h ol4.”