See assemble load and test.
See Audio Messaging Interchange Specification.
AMIS Prefix
A number added to the destination number to indicate that the destination number is an AMIS analog networking number.
ampere (amp)
The unit of measurement of electric current. One volt of potential across one ohm causes a current flow of one amp.
analog networking
A method of transferring a message from one messaging system to another whereby the message is played back (voiced) during the transmission from one system to another.
analog signal
A communications path that, in teleprocessing usage, usually refers to a
announcement fragment
A numbered piece of spoken information that makes up a system message or prompt.
A material that is treated to prevent the
See application programming interface.
application programming interface
A set of formalized software calls and routines that can be referenced by an application program to access underlying network services.
assemble load and test
The factory process that preloads software, installs hardware, and tests the system prior to shipping.
asynchronous communication
A method of data transmission in which bits or characters are sent at irregular intervals and bits or characters are spaced by start and stop bits and not by time. See also synchronous communication.
asynchronous data unit (ADU)
An electronic communications device that can extend data transmission over asynchronous lines more than 50 feet in length. Recommended ADUs include Z3A1 or Z3A4.
asynchronous transmission
A form of serial communications where each transmitted character is bracketed with a start bit and one or two stop bits. The AT&T Intuity system provides asynchronous
attendant console
A special purpose phone with numerous lines and features located at the front desk. The front desk attendant uses the phone to answer and transfer calls.