Selecting a Main Menu Item
To select an item from the Main Menu, just type the number of the item you want followed by (Return)
If you type (Return) by itself or if you type a number that is not between 1 and 12, you see the following message:
Must be a number from
Make one selection from menu- >
Administration Commands
Once you select an item from the Main Menu, you can administer the features and parameters accessible in that command area by entering commands. You use commands to tell the system what feature or parameter you want to change and the value you want to change it to. The basic format of a system administration command consists of two items: an action number, and a data value. Some commands also require a third information number, a target. The functions of these command items are described below:
Action: An action number defines a specific system administration function. You choose an action (by number) to examine or change System 25 attributes.
Data: A data value controls a specific System 25 function. In general, a data value is the current value of the parameter specified by the associated action number. To change an administration parameter, you change its data value.
Target: The target can be a:
■Personal Dial Code (PDC)
■Data Dial Code (DDC)
■Port number
■Direct Group Calling (DGC) number
■Toll Calls Allowed List number
■RS232 Channel number.
Please note that the words “Action” and “Data” actually appear on command lines. The word “Target” does not appear on a command
The following example shows the format of a completed command line for the Port command area (Main Menu item 1):
Port=10401 Action=1 Data=201
In this command line, Port = 10401 tells the system to go to cabinet 1, slot 04, port