Avaya Communication Manager Administration for Polycom MGC Systems
Avaya Communication Manager Administration for Polycom MGC Systems
Question 1: Polycom MGCs with multiple IP boards in conjunction with S87xx servers with multiple CLAN boards in regions require administration planning. Has this guide or the quick setup guide been used and understood?
No. Complex signaling group and trunk group administration is required. Follow the rules in this guide and the quick setup guide. This solution offers a number of high availability options. CLAN board failures and IP board failures can be survivable. Incorrect administration can cause intermittent service.
Question 2: In Avaya Communication Manager Release 4.0, do signaling groups to Polycom MGCs have “Layer 3 Tests?” set to No?
No. Expect signaling groups to go out of service (OOS).
Question 3: Is the outgoing trunk group to the Polycom MGC configured correctly in the change
On Trunk group page 1, “Direction” must be outgoing.
On Trunk group page 1, “Outgoing Display” may be y. This is helpful for diagnostics.
On Trunk group page 2, “Disconnect Supervision – Out?” must be y to allow transfer to the MGC.
On Trunk group page 3, “Send Calling Number” must be set to allow the MGC to resolve calling party against the participant list on MGC conferences when
No. Expect trunk transfer failure. Expect wasted resources on the MGC.
Issue 3 January 2008 29