Setting Up Video Endpoints
90 Avaya Video Telephony Solution Networking Guide
Procedure 1: Configure IP Network Regions
You must place the Polycom MGC in a dedicated network region and ensure that all other
network regions have direct connectivity to the Polycom MGC’s network region.
To configure the IP network regions:
1. Use the change ip-network-region x command (where x is the chosen IP network region)
to access the IP Network Region form for the specified region.
The IP Network Region form appears.
Figure 18: Example of Page 1 of the IP Network Region Form
2. Set Intra-region IP-IP Direct Audio to yes.
3. Set Inter-region IP-IP Direct Audio to yes.
Note: Shuffling is recommended. However, you can set shuffling to no, and video calls
will work properly.
4. Go to page 2 of the form.