Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
Startup (continued)
7.1Connecting the System Components
See Section 4.
7.2Activating External Hard Disks
External hard disks must be activated before starting up the PC.
7.3Switching On the PC (Startup)
1.Switch on the computer and the monitor.
The computer carries out its startup procedure and automatically starts the video system. The startup procedure is complete when the log on dialog box of the video system appears. The video system is already running in the background.
2.Log on as the Administrator.
The system can be started from the Windowsr XP level by clicking on the ”Start → All Programs → DiBos” menu.
7.4Checking the Optional ISDN Connection
General requirements
For data transfer via ISDN, the connection must support the DSS1 proto- col. For So connections in PABXs this must be enabled first in the PABX. The data service also has to be enabled in both directions (incoming and outgoing) for this connection.
Requirements for the video system
Check whether the ISDN driver has started.
Proceed as follows:
1.Start your PC and open the live image.
2.Exit the video system as the Administrator.
3.Select ”Start → Control Panel→ Performance and Maintenance → System”.
4.Select the ”Hardware” tab.
5.Click the ”Device Manager” button.
6.In the tree structure, open the ”Network Adapter” directory by
The status of the driver is displayed in the ”Device status” field.
8.You can restart with ”Start → All Programs → DiBos”.
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