Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 130 –

8 Fault Indication/Correction

This section contains notes on faults that may occur when first starting up or during


If you cannot determine the cause of the fault, please contact ”Product Service

Video” of the video system manufacturer.

Fault Possible Cause Remedy
Next to the symbols for the
grabbers inputs and out-
puts, a “?” appears.
The grabber driver has not
started, the grabber card or
the signal connector is
Restart the driver, replace
the grabber card or check
the signal connector.
All SecSys inputs are lon-
ger than 10 s in alarm
Interface malfunction with
SecSys. Correct interface malfunc-
Message ”Hardlock not
found” Hardlock (dongle) missing
or feature is not enabled. Insert hardlock or add fea-
Fault indicator, error mes-
Video signal of a camera
missing Check video signal
Alarm memory (tee–off)
is full Manually delete alarm
Hard disk is full 50 MB or more not avail-
able on any drive Connect external hard
disks or check program-
Images cannot be writ-
ten Images are written in too
many archives Adjust Recording
Software feature is not
functioning Check that the hardlock
has been enabled Enable hardlock is visible
in the ”?” –> ”About” menu
The external hard disks are
t bi dt td b th
Terminator missing Insert terminator
not being detected by the
system The hard disk ID has
been assigned twice Assign the hard disk IDs
in ascending order
The hard disks are not
formatted Use the hard disk man-
ager to format the hard
disks in NTFS.
No ISDN connection The connection pass-
word of the transmitter
and the receiver are not
the same
Check the connection
Incorrect protocol set Select the correct proto-
col (EURO–ISDN) via an