



agent_login (login)

ID PASSWORD [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/position N]


[/supervisor N] [/autoIN] [/manualIN] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]



agent_logout (logout)

[/agentID ID] [/password] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill


N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]



agent_not_ready (not_ready)

[/agentID ID] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill


N[.pri]] ...]



agent_ready (ready)

[/agentID ID] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/autoIN]


[/manualIN] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]



agent_work_not_ready (wrapup)

[/agentID ID] [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill


N[.pri]] ...]



agent_work_ready (callwork)

[/agentID ID] [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill


N[.pri]] ...]



answer_call (answer)

[/periph N] [/callid CALLID.DEVID] [/stack N] [/instrument N]




[/on] [/off]



clear_call (clear)

[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]



conference_call (conf)

[/periph N] [/active CALLID.DEVID] [/held CALLID.DEVID] [/stack ACTIVE


HELD] [/blind DN] [/placement TYPE] [/manner TYPE] [/alertRings N]


[/callopt TYPE] [/TG N] [/SG N] [/authorize code] [/account code]



consult_call (cc)

DN [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N] [/placement


TYPE] [/manner TYPE] [/transfer] [/conference] [/alertRings N] [/callopt


TYPE] [/priority] [/postroute] [/TG N] [/SG N] [/authorize code] [/account





get_agent_state (state)

[/periph n] [/instrument N]




[/periph N] [/instrument N] [/ext string] [/id string]



get_skill_stats (sk_stats)

[/periph N] [/skill N] [/skillID N]



hold_call (hold)

[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]



make_call (mc)

DN [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/placement TYPE] [/manner TYPE]


[/alertRings N] [/callopt TYPE] [/priority] [/postroute] [/TG N] [/SG N]


[/authorize code] [/account code] [keyword=VALUE ...]




[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]



retrieve_call (retrieve)

[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]



transfer_call (transfer)

[/periph N] [/active CALLID.DEVID] [/held CALLID.DEVID] [/stack ACTIVE


HELD] [/blind DN][/placementTYPE] [/manner TYPE] [/alertRings N]


[/callopt TYPE] [/TG N] [/SG N] [/authorize code] [/account code]



See Also

For related information, see:

Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide

How to Use the CTITest Utility 163

Page 163
Image 163
Cisco Systems 1.0 (1) manual Pri /skill N.pri