TCP/IP Port: The port the Support Tools Server uses to communicate with Support Tools Nodes.

Note: When changing this value, remember to ensure that the port you choose is available on all Support Tool Nodes, and that it is enabled on firewalls standing between the Support Tools Server and its nodes.

HTTP and HTTPS Ports: Specify the ports that the Tomcat Web server should use for HTTP and HTTPS requests.

Network Time Server: Specify the static IP address or fully-qualified DNS of your network time server. Also specify the frequency (in minutes) with which this machine should reconcile its clock against the network time server.

3. When the reconfiguration is complete, click Finish.

Note: Support Tools includes several files that can be customized by users after an initial installation. Because rerunning basic configuration overwrites these customized files, Support Tools automatically creates backup copies (with the extension .bak). These backups can be restored re-introduce customization.

For more information, see How to Re-Install Support Tools.

To Modify Support Tools Node Configuration

To modify configuration settings for the Support Tools Node after it has been installed:

1.Rerun the Support Tools Node installer (nodes\setup.exe) from your Support Tools CD.

2.During the reinstallation, the Install Wizard displays the configuration settings (TCP/IP Port, Administrator Group Name, etc.) from the current installation, rather than the installation defaults. As desired, modify the current values for these options:

Destination Path: Specify the location to install the Support Tools Node. You can install the Support Tools Node to any location on the local machine.

Network Time Server: Specify the static IP address or fully-qualified DNS of your network time server. Also specify the frequency (in minutes) with which this machine should reconcile its clock against the network time server.

3.When the reconfiguration is complete, click Finish.

Note: Support Tools includes several files that can be customized by users after an initial installation. Because rerunning basic configuration overwrites these customized files, Support Tools automatically creates backup copies (with the extension .bak). These backups can be restored re-introduce customization.

For more information, see How to Re-Install Support Tools.

Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide

How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration 58

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Cisco Systems 1.0 (1) manual To Modify Support Tools Node Configuration