Additional Information
An NTREADME.HLP file on the Windows NT SSD diskettes contains the latest information about Windows NT, including the driver installation procedure. Review this information and, where it is different from the instructions shown here, follow the instructions provided in NTREADME.HLP file.
To access the NTREADME.HLP file, you need a server running Windows NT or a PC running Windows. Perform the following steps:
1.Insert the Windows NT SSD diskettes, one at a time, in the diskette drive.
2.Open a command prompt, make A: the current drive, and type:
From the File
Run and enter:
3.Select the help topic(s) to read or print. Important readme files include:
❏Compaq SSD for Windows NT Installation Methods
❏Using the Compaq SSD for Windows NT Setup Program
❏Windows NT Device Driver Specifics
❏Compaq SCSI Controller Support
❏Compaq Drive Array Support
❏Installing the Compaq Drive Array Driver During Windows NT Installation
❏Installing the Compaq Drive Array Driver After Windows NT Installation
❏Updating the Compaq Drive Array Driver
❏Removing the Compaq Drive Array Driver