I-2 POST Error Messages
POST Error Messages continued
1723 Slot x Drive Array - To improve signal integrity, internal SCSI connector should be removed if external drives are attached to the same SCSI port (followed by one of the following instructions:)
1.Please detach internal SCSI Port Interface Board from Smart Array 3200 Controller.
2.Please replace
3.Please replace
4.Please turn system power OFF and move external SCSI cable to Port 2.
5.Please detach or replace
Internal SCSI Port Interface Board with Single- Connector SCSI Port.
1724 Slot x Drive Array - Physical Drive Position Changes(S) Detected - Logical drive configuration has automatically been updated.
1726 Slot x Drive Array - Array Accelerator Memory Size Change Detected.
Recommended Action
With system power off, remove or replace the connector daughterboard and/or external cables attached to the Smart Array 3200 Controller board as instructed.
This message indicates that logical drive configuration has been updated automatically following physical drive position changes. Press F1 to resume.
This message indicates that the array accelerator configuration has been updated automatically due to replacement of the Array Accelerator (or controller) with one of them having different memory size. Press F1 to resume.