6-18 Installing the Operating System Drivers
Installation Procedures
Device drivers can be installed in a Windows NT server using:
■The Compaq SSD for Windows NT Setup program installation or
■The standard Windows NT device driver installation
Both methods are outlined in this chapter. Compaq recommends the Compaq SSD for Windows NT Setup program installation method.
Compaq SSD for Windows NT Setup
Program Installation Method
The Compaq SSD for Windows NT Setup program installation method uses device drivers installed with the Setup program located on the Compaq SSD for Windows NT. The Setup program identifies hardware components installed in the machine and suggests device drivers needing installation.
Use the following steps to run the Compaq SSD for Windows NT Setup program:
1.Start Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0 and log in to an account with administrative privileges.
2.Insert the Compaq SSD for Windows NT Support Software Diskettes, one at a time, into the diskette drive.
3.From the Program Manager, select File → Run.
4.Enter the following: