Red Hat RHEL [x86_64]
No. Operating System Host Bus Adapter Network
Configuration Storage
Array External
Boot Comments
2 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 4.0 U3
AS/ES7, 19
QLogic QLA4050−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 40, QLogic QLA4050−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 41, QLogic
QLA4050C−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 40, QLogic QLA4050C−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 41 LAN Only8, 9 EMC
3 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 4.0 U4
AS/ES7, 10
Generic NIC 10/10022, 29, Generic NIC GbE22, 29 LAN Only8, 9 EMC
N See9, 21
4 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 4.0 U4
AS/ES7, 10
IBM QLogic iSCSI Exp Card for BladeCenter (26K6487)11, 13, 16, 17, 18, QLogic
QLA4010−E−SP1, 3, 5, 11, 13, QLogic QLA4010C−E−SP1, 3, 4, 5, 11, QLogic
QLA4050−E−SP5, 11, 12, 13, 14, QLogic QLA4050C−E−SP5, 11, 12, 13, 14
LAN Only8, 9 EMC
5 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 4.0: U2
AS/ES7, 39, U3
AS/ES7, 19
IBM QLogic iSCSI Exp Card for BladeCenter (26K6487)13, 15, 16, 17, 18, QLogic
QLA4010−E−SP1, 3, 5, 13, 15, QLogic QLA4010C−E−SP1, 3, 4, 5, 23 LAN Only8, 9 EMC
6 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 4.0: U2
AS/ES7, 39, U3
AS/ES7, 19;
Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 4.5
AS/ES6, 7
Generic NIC 10/10020, 22, Generic NIC GbE20, 22 LAN Only8, 9 EMC
N See9, 21
7 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 4.5
AS/ES6, 7
IBM QLogic iSCSI Exp Card for BladeCenter (26K6487)2, 13, 16, 17, 18, QLogic
QLA4010−E−SP1, 2, 3, 5, 13, QLogic QLA4010C−E−SP1, 2, 3, 4, 5, QLogic QLA4050−E−SP2,
5, 12, 13, 14, QLogic QLA4050C−E−SP2, 5, 12, 13, 14
LAN Only8, 9 EMC
8 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 5.07, 25, 31 HPQ Qlogic QMH4062 1GbE iSCSI HBA for HP c−Class BladeSystem (488074−B21)
12, 27,
30, QLogic QLA4010−E−SP1, 3, 5, 13, 30, QLogic QLA4010C−E−SP1, 3, 5, 13, 30, QLogic
QLA4050−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 30, QLogic QLA4050C−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 30, QLogic
QLE4060C−E−SP12, 27, 30, QLogic QLE4062C−E−SP12, 27, 30
LAN Only8, 9 EMC
9 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 5.17, 25, 34 HPQ Qlogic QMH4062 1GbE iSCSI HBA for HP c−Class BladeSystem (488074−B21)
12, 27,
35, QLogic QLA4010−E−SP1, 3, 5, 13, 35, QLogic QLA4010C−E−SP1, 3, 5, 13, 35, QLogic
QLA4050−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 35, QLogic QLA4050C−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 35, QLogic
QLE4060C−E−SP12, 27, 35, QLogic QLE4062C−E−SP12, 27, 35
LAN Only8, 9 EMC
10 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64] 5.27, 24, 25,
HPQ Qlogic QMH4062 1GbE iSCSI HBA for HP c−Class BladeSystem (488074−B21)
12, 27,
28, QLogic QLA4010−E−SP1, 3, 5, 13, 28, QLogic QLA4010C−E−SP1, 3, 5, 13, 28, QLogic
QLA4050−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 28, QLogic QLA4050C−E−SP5, 12, 13, 14, 28, QLogic
QLE4060C−E−SP12, 27, 28, QLogic QLE4062C−E−SP12, 27, 28
LAN Only8, 9 EMC
11 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64]: 4.6
AS/ES7, 38, 4.7
AS/ES7, 32
Generic NIC 10/10022, 33, Generic NIC GbE22, 33 LAN Only8, 9 EMC
N See9, 21
12 Red Hat RHEL
[x86_64]: 5.07, 25,
31, 5.17, 25, 34, 5.27,
24, 25, 26
Generic NIC 10/10022, 37, Generic NIC GbE22, 37 LAN Only8, 9 EMC
N See9, 21, 36
1. BIOS 1.11 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
2. Driver Version 5.00.04−d4 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
3. Firmware Version
4. Requires QLogic firmware version available from the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website at http://www.qlogic.com
5. QLogic iSCSI HBAs are supported in any server listed in the ESM Fibre Channel tables that list support for the QLA2340 HBAs with the same operating system version listed here.
6. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−55.EL, 2.6.9−55.0.2.EL., 2.6.9−55.0.6.EL, 2.6.9−55.0.9.EL, 2.6.9−55.0.12.EL, 2.6.9−55.0.14.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
7. The LVM included as part of this update is supported and can be used in conjunction with PowerPath emcpower pseudo device file names as well as native sd device file names.
8. Routed networks (layer 3) require iSCSI digest to be enabled.
9. LAN support includes direct connect (layer 2), switched (layer 2), or routed (layer 3) networks. Network should be designed to minimize packet loss or any other interruptions.
10. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−42.EL, 2.6.9−42.0.2.EL, 2.6.9−42.0.3.EL, 2.6.9−42.0.8.EL, 2.6.9−42.0.10.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
11. Driver Version 5.00.07
12. Firmware Version Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
13. Requires SANsurfer for installation and configuration and is available for download from the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website at http://www.qlogic.com
14. BIOS 1.08 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
15. Driver Version 5.00.04 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
16. BIOS 1.09a Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
17. Firmware Version Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
18. Requires QLogic firmware version available from the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website at http://www.qlogic.com
19. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−34.EL, 2.6.9−34.0.1.EL, 2.6.9−34.0.2.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
20. Driver Version iSCSI Software Initiator Driver is integrated into the kernel.
21. The software initiator is part of the operating system and not an EMC software product. Please refer to the required release note "EMC Linux iSCSI Attach Release Notes", p/n
300−002−672, that can be found on EMC's Powerlink website in Support −> The Document Library −> Host Connectivity for the complete installation information.
22. NIC teaming with the Linux software initiator is not supported.
23. Driver Version 5.00.04 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com Requires SANsurfer for installation and configuration and is available for
download from the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website at http://www.qlogic.com
24. Supported kernels: 2.6.18−92.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.1.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.6.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.10.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.13.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.17.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.22.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.24.el5. Confirm
kernel support with server vendor.
25. EMC supports the following filesystems: ext2, ext3, gfs unless otherwise noted in the ESM. If there is a customer requirement for a different filesystem, please submit an RPQ.
26. Native multipathing is supported on boot−from−SAN configurations. Please refer to the operating system vendor's documentation for installation instructions. Also refer to Native
Multipath Failover Based on DM−MPIO for v2.6.x Linux Kernel and EMC Storage Arrays Configuration Guide found on http://powerlink.emc.com for any additional guidance.
27. BIOS 1.13 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
28. Driver Version 5.01.00−k8_rhel5.2−01 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
29. Driver Version iSCSI Software Initiator 4:0.1.11
30. Driver Version Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
31. Supported kernels: 2.6.18−8.EL5, 2.6.18−8.1.1.EL5, 2.6.18−8.1.3.EL5, 2.6.18−8.1.4.EL5, 2.6.18−8.1.6.EL5, 2.6.18−8.1.8.EL5, 2.6.18−8.1.10.EL5, 2.6.18−8.1.14.EL5, and
2.6.18−8.1.15.el5. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
32. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−78.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.1.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.5.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.8.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.13.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
33. Driver Version iSCSI Software Initiator The software initiator is part of the operating system and not an EMC software product. Please refer to the required release note
"EMC Linux iSCSI Attach Release Notes", p/n 300−002−672, that can be found on EMC's Powerlink website in Support −> The Document Library −> Host Connectivity for the
complete installation information. Driver is integrated into the kernel.
34. Supported kernels: 2.6.18−53.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.4.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.6.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.13.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.14.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.19.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.21.el5. Confirm kernel support with
server vendor.
35. Driver Version 5.01.00−k8_rhel5 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
36. The Linux Host Connectivity Guide, p/n 300−003−865, can be found on EMC Powerlink (http://powerlink.emc.com).
37. Driver Version iSCSI Software Initiator 2.x Only the software initiator driver native to this Linux distributor's release is supported. The iSCSI utilities are needed to configure the
software initiator and are a seperate package from the driver. Please refer to the Linux distributor for the supported version with their distribution.
38. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−67.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.1.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.4.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.7.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.15.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.20.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.22.EL. Confirm kernel support with server
39. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−22.EL, 2.6.9−22.0.1.EL, 2.6.9−22.0.2.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
40. Driver Version 5.00.04 Driver is integrated into the kernel. Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
41. Driver Version 3.23 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
03/04/2009 1007 CLARiiON AX150i