Red Hat RHEL [IBM Power]
No. Operating
System Host Bus Adapter Switch Luns/HBA Port
Sharing Storage
13 Red Hat RHEL
[IBM Power] 4.7
AS/ES1, 2
QLogic QLE2360−E−SP EMC Connectrix: 3250−VL2E4, DS−8B2−0DL;
QLogic SANBox: SB1404−10AJ−E, SB3050−08A−E
128, 256 Y EMC
14 Red Hat RHEL
[IBM Power]: 4.6
AS/ES2, 22, 5.1
AS/ES2, 21, 5.22,
7, 19, 5.32, 6, 7
IBM QLogic 4gb FC Exp
Card (CFFv, 41Y8527) IBM Brocade 10−port 4Gb SAN Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Servers:
(32R1813/32R1821) as Access Gateway11, 12, (32R1813/32R1821)11, 12;
IBM Brocade 20−port 4Gb SAN Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Servers:
(32R1812/32R1820) as Access Gateway11, 12, (32R1812/32R1820)11, 12;
IBM Brocade: Enterprise SAN Switch Module For IBM BladeCenter Servers
(90P0165/90P0164), Entry SAN Switch Module For IBM BladeCenter Servers
IBM McData: 10−Port 4GB FC Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter Servers
(32R1905/32R1911)12, 20−Port 4GB FC Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter
Servers (32R1833/32R1836)12, 6−Port Switch Module For IBM BladeCenter
Servers (32R1790)16, 17;
IBM Optical Passthrough Module For IBM BladeCenter Servers:
(02R9080/02R9082), (39Y9316)12;
IBM QLogic 10−Port 4GB: FC Switch module for IBM BladeCenter Servers
(32R1904/32R1910)9, 12, 15, SAN Switch module for IBM BladeCenter Servers
(43W6724)8, 9;
IBM QLogic: 2−Port Switch Module For IBM BladeCenter Servers (48P7062)
15, 20−Port 4GB FC Switch module for IBM BladeCenter Servers
(26R0881/26R0888)9, 12, 15, 20−Port 4GB SAN Switch module for IBM
BladeCenter Servers (43W6725)8, 9, 4Gb Intelligent Passthrough Module for
IBM BladeCenter (43W6723)8, 10, 6−Port Switch Module For IBM BladeCenter
Servers (26K6477/26K6481)9, 15
256 Y EMC
15 Red Hat RHEL
[IBM Power]: 4.6
AS/ES2, 22, 5.1
AS/ES2, 21, 5.22,
7, 19, 5.32, 6, 7
IBM QLogic: 4gb FC Exp
Card (CFFv, 41Y8527),
Ethernet and 4gb FC Exp
Card (CFFh, 39Y9306)18
IBM Cisco: 10−port 4Gb SAN Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (39Y9284)
14, 20−port 4Gb SAN Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (39Y9280)13, 14 256 Y EMC
1. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−78.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.1.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.5.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.8.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.13.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
2. The LVM included as part of this update is supported and can be used in conjunction with PowerPath emcpower pseudo device file names as well as native sd device file names.
3. The minimum firmware revision for the ES−4300 is 5.05.00 (This firmware revision is only to be used on ES−4300)
4. This switch is offered by Dell as the Brocade VL2 LC.
5. Dell offers the following versions of the DS−220B−FF−D switch: DS−210B−DE and DS−210B−DEU. Please reference the Dell website for further information.
6. Supported kernels: 2.6.18−128.el5, 2.6.18−128.1.1.el5. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
7. Native multipathing is not supported on boot−from−SAN configurations.
8. This switch module is supported in both legacy switch module positions (bays 3 and 4) of all IBM BladeCenter Chassis and when installed in the IBM Multi−switch Interconnect
Module for IBM BladeCenterTM (39Y9314), in bays 8 and 10 in the IBM BladeCenter H chassis.
9. This switch module supports ISL connection to Cisco FC switches or direct connection to EMC Storage Arrays only.
10. Direct connection to EMC Storage Arrays are not supported
11. NPIV must be enabled for this switch.
12. This switch module is supported in both legacy switch module position (bay 3 or 4) of all IBM BladeCenter chassis' and when installed in the IBM Multi−switch Interconnect Module for
IBM BladeCenter (39Y9314), in bays 8 and 10 in the IBM BladeCenter H chassis.
13. Supported only in bays 3 and 4 of IBM BladeCenter chassis'.
14. NPV is not supported with SAN−OS versions less than 3.3.1c
15. ISLs are supported to Cisco FC switches
16. The following setting should be verified: DefaultZoning = False; DefaultVisibility = None
17. One of the core fabric switches must be configured to be a principle switch. the blade switches should not acquire the role of principle switch.
18. Requires IBM Multi−Switch Interconnect Module for IBM BladeCenter (39Y9314) installed in IBM BladeCenter H and with appropriate fibre channel switch modules to installed in
bays 8 & 10.
19. Supported kernels: 2.6.18−92.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.1.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.6.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.10.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.13.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.17.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.22.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.24.el5. Confirm
kernel support with server vendor.
20. NPIV must be enabled for this switch
21. Supported kernels: 2.6.18−53.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.4.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.6.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.13.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.14.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.19.el5, 2.6.18−53.1.21.el5. Confirm kernel support with
server vendor.
22. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−67.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.1.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.4.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.7.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.15.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.20.EL, 2.6.9−67.0.22.EL. Confirm kernel support with server
Red Hat RHEL [x86_64]
Red Hat RHEL [x86_64]
No. Operating System Host Bus Adapter Switch Luns/HBA Port
Sharing Storage
1 Red Hat RHEL [x86_64] 4.0: AS/ES4, 22,
U1 AS/ES4, 14, U2 AS/ES4, 19, U3
AS/ES4, 18, U4 AS/ES4, 8;
Red Hat RHEL [x86_64]: 4.5 AS/ES4, 15,
4.6 AS/ES4, 13, 4.7 AS/ES4, 5, 5.04, 11,
5.14, 9, 5.23, 4, 10, 5.32, 3, 4
Dell 2342M Dell Brocade: 1/2Gb FC Switch Module (SW3014),
4Gb FC Switch Module (SW4016)12;
Dell Optical Pass−thru Module (J6780)
256 Y EMC
2 Red Hat RHEL [x86_64] 4.0: U2 AS/ES4,
19, U3 AS/ES4, 18, U4 AS/ES4, 8;
Red Hat RHEL [x86_64]: 4.5 AS/ES4, 15,
4.6 AS/ES4, 13, 4.7 AS/ES4, 5
Huawei ISP2312 Huawei Brocade 4Gb FC Switch Module (SW4018) 256 Y EMC
3 Red Hat RHEL [x86_64] 4.0: U2 AS/ES4,
19, U3 AS/ES4, 18, U4 AS/ES4, 8;
Red Hat RHEL [x86_64]: 4.5 AS/ES4, 15,
4.6 AS/ES4, 13, 4.7 AS/ES4, 5, 5.04, 11,
5.14, 9, 5.23, 4, 10, 5.32, 3, 4
Dell: LPe1105−M, QME2462 Dell Brocade: 1/2Gb FC Switch Module (SW3014),
4Gb FC Switch Module (SW4016)12;
Dell Optical Pass−thru Module (J6780)
256 Y EMC
4 Red Hat RHEL [x86_64] 4.0: U2 AS/ES4,
19, U3 AS/ES4, 18, U4 AS/ES4, 8;
Red Hat RHEL [x86_64]: 4.5 AS/ES4, 15,
4.6 AS/ES4, 13, 4.7 AS/ES4, 5, 5.04, 11,
5.14, 9, 5.23, 4, 10, 5.32, 3, 4
Emulex LP982−E;
QLogic QLA2340−E−SP QLogic SANBox SB1404−10AJ−E 128 Y EMC
03/04/2009 935 CLARiiON AX150