Red Hat RHEL [32−Bit]
No. Host System Operating
System Host Bus Host Bus Adapter Topology Storage
Array External
Boot Comments
1431 IBM BladeCenter HS21 XM (Model 7995) Red Hat
4.0 U4
39, 4.5
AS/ES4, 62
PCI−X IBM Emulex 4Gb SFF Fibre
Channel Exp Card
(39Y9186)3, 12, 40, 106
1432 IBM BladeCenter HS20 (Model: 7981), 8678)60, 8832)60,
8832−N1X), 8843);
IBM BladeCenter: HS40 (Model 8839), LS20 (Model
Red Hat
4.0 U4
39, 4.5
AS/ES4, 62
PCI−X IBM Emulex LP1005DC FC
Exp Card3, 17, 40, 49 FC−SW EMC
1433 IBM BladeCenter: LS22 (Model 7901), LS42 (Model
7902) Red Hat
5.14, 8, 10,
66, 5.24, 8,
10, 11, 15
Express IBM Emulex: 4Gb SFF
Fibre Channel Exp Card
(39Y9186)3, 12, 16, 18, 106,
4gb FC Exp Card (CFFv,
43W6859)3, 12, 16, 123, 124
1434 IBM BladeCenter HS21 XM (Model 7995) Red Hat
5.14, 8, 10,
66, 5.24, 8,
10, 11, 15
PCI−X IBM Emulex 4gb FC Exp
Card (CFFv, 43W6859)3, 12,
16, 123, 124
Y79, 127
1435 IBM BladeCenter: HS12 (Model 8014,8028), HS21
(Model 8853)108, LS21 (Model 7971), LS41 (Model
Red Hat
5.14, 8, 10,
66, 5.24, 8,
10, 11, 15
PCI−X IBM Emulex 4gb FC Exp
Card (CFFv, 43W6859)3, 12,
16, 123, 124
1436 IBM BladeCenter HS21: (Model 8853)108, XM (Model
IBM BladeCenter: LS21 (Model 7971), LS41 (Model
Red Hat
5.14, 8, 10,
66, 5.24, 8,
10, 11, 15
PCI−X IBM Emulex 4Gb SFF Fibre
Channel Exp Card
(39Y9186)3, 12, 16, 18, 106
Y19, 82,
83, 127 See60
1. BIOS 2.02 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
2. Driver Version 7.07.04−b6 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
3. SNIA HBA API Supported.
4. The LVM included as part of this update is supported and can be used in conjunction with PowerPath emcpower pseudo device file names as well as native sd device file names.
5. Supported kernels: 2.4.21−50.EL, 2.4.21−51.EL, 2.4.21−52.EL, 2.4.21−53.EL, 2.4.21−57.EL, 2.4.21−58.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
6. Red Hat does not currently support reiserfs on RHEL 3.0. As a result, EMC supports only the ext2 and ext3 filesystems on RHEL 3.0 unless otherwise noted in the ESM. If there is a
customer requirement for a different filesystem, please submit an RPQ.
7. Please see the HP website for supported BL c−Class model numbers.
The supported model numbers are available in the quickspecs documents available for each BL c−Class blade.
8. EMC supports the following filesystems: ext2, ext3, gfs unless otherwise noted in the ESM. If there is a customer requirement for a different filesystem, please submit an RPQ.
9. Supported kernels: 2.6.18−128.el5, 2.6.18−128.1.1.el5. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
10. RHEL Xen kernel supported.
11. Native multipathing is supported on boot−from−SAN configurations. Please refer to the operating system vendor's documentation for installation instructions. Also refer to Native
Multipath Failover Based on DM−MPIO for v2.6.x Linux Kernel and EMC Storage Arrays Configuration Guide found on http://powerlink.emc.com for any additional guidance.
12. Firmware Version 2.80a4 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
13. Driver Version Driver is integrated into the kernel.
14. BIOS 6.00a5 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
15. Supported kernels: 2.6.18−92.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.1.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.6.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.10.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.13.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.17.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.22.el5, 2.6.18−92.1.24.el5. Confirm
kernel support with server vendor.
16. Driver Version Driver is integrated into the kernel.
17. BIOS 2.02a1 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
18. Driver Version This in kernel driver is only available on errata kernels equal to or greater than 2.6.18−53.1.14.el5. Driver is integrated into the kernel.
19. PowerPath is not supported.
20. BIOS 1.54 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
21. Driver Version 8.02.09−d0−rhel4.7−04 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
22. BIOS 1.24 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
23. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−78.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.1.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.5.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.8.EL, 2.6.9−78.0.13.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
24. BIOS 1.52 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
25. BIOS 1.05 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
26. Requires BIOS 1.05 available from the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website at http://www.qlogic.com
27. The Linux Host Connectivity Guide, p/n 300−003−865, can be found on EMC Powerlink (http://powerlink.emc.com).
28. EMC provides in−depth documentation for configurations with QLogic adapters that contains helpful information for installing and configuring QLogic adapters with EMC Storage. This
documentation is located in the EMC section of the QLogic website (http://www.qlogic.com) along with HBA drivers, and BIOS.
29. Single node support only with Emulex 4Gb HBAs
30. Driver Version 8.02.00−k5−rhel5.2−03 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
31. Driver Version 8.02.00−k5−rhel5.2−04 This driver is found in kernel errata 2.6.18−92.1.6.el5 and higher. Driver is integrated into the kernel.
32. Boot from SAN with Linux native multipathing software (DM−MPIO) is not supported.
33. Legacy (x86) boot mode supported only for this server. EFI boot is not supported. EFI boot code should be removed from the HBA if installed.
34. Supported kernels: 2.4.21−40.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
35. Firmware Version 2.70a5 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
36. Driver Version 7.3.3 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
37. Firmware Version 2.72a2 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
38. Driver Version 8.01.04−d7 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
39. Supported kernels: 2.6.9−42.EL, 2.6.9−42.0.2.EL, 2.6.9−42.0.3.EL, 2.6.9−42.0.8.EL, 2.6.9−42.0.10.EL. Confirm kernel support with server vendor.
40. Driver Version Driver is integrated into the kernel.
41. BIOS 3.03a3 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
42. BIOS 1.70a3 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
43. Driver Version Driver is integrated into the kernel.
44. Driver Version Driver is integrated into the kernel.
45. Firmware Version 1.10a5 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
46. Driver Version−k Driver is integrated into the kernel.
47. HPQ (Compaq) Proliant server models that are not listed in the ESM but are only differentiated from supported models by an "R" designator, are rack−mountable servers and are
48. BIOS 1.23 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
49. Firmware Version 1.92a1 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
50. NEC SigmaBlade servers are not supported with Windows 2003 SP1 (x86 and x64 versions.)
51. BIOS 1.47 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
52. BIOS 2.01 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
53. EMC recommends upgrading to the most recent, EMC−Approved, HBA driver.
54. Firmware Version 1.91a5 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
55. Driver Version 7.3.6 Driver is integrated into the kernel.
56. Supported kernels: 2.4.21−47.EL, 2.4.21−47.0.1.EL. Confirm support with server vendor.
03/04/2009 574 CLARiiON AX150