Microsoft Windows 2008 [x64]
No. Host System Operating
System Host Bus Host Bus Adapter Topology Storage
Array External
Boot Comments
293 IBM BladeCenter HS21: (Model 8853)66, XM
(Model 7995);
IBM BladeCenter: LS21 (Model 7971)66, LS41
(Model 7972)66
2008 [x64]:
PCI−X IBM Emulex: 4Gb SFF
Fibre Channel Exp Card
(39Y9186)1, 3, 4, 23, 60, 61,
4gb FC Exp Card (CFFv,
43W6859)1, 3, 4, 23, 60, 61;
IBM QLogic: 4gb FC Exp
Card (CFFv, 41Y8527)3, 10,
12, 69, Ethernet and 4gb FC
Exp Card (CFFh,
39Y9306)3, 10, 12, 64, 69,
Ethernet and 8gb FC Exp
Card (CFFh, 44X1940)3, 12,
64, 74
Y63 See62
294 IBM BladeCenter HS21: (Model 8853)66, XM
(Model 7995);
IBM BladeCenter: LS21 (Model 7971)66, LS41
(Model 7972)66
2008 [x64]:
Exp Card
(26R0890/26R0893)3, 10,
12, 13
Y See62
295 Intel Compute Blade SBXD132;
Wipro NetBlade Z2701 Microsoft
2008 [x64]:
Mezzanine HBA3, 12, 13, 18 FC−SW EMC
1. Firmware Version 2.80a4
2. BIOS 2.02a1
3. SNIA HBA API Supported.
4. Driver Version 2.01a4
5. Driver Version 2.10a7
6. EMC provides in−depth documentation for configurations with Emulex adapters that contains helpful information for installing and configuring Emulex adapters with EMC Storage.
Visit the EMC driver page on the Emulex website (http://www.emulex.com/ts/docoem/emc/index.html) and download part number 300−001−157 for guide "EMC Host Connectivity with
Emulex Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) and Converged Network Adapters (CNAs) in the Windows Environment."
7. Windows 2008 Server Core option is supported by EMC. Contact your server vendor to determine their support statement for Server Core.
8. EMC provides documentation for boot configurations that contains helpful information for systems booting from EMC storage. Visit EMC Powerlink and download part number
300−000−603 for the Windows Host Connectivity Guide.
9. When booting from an external storage array, press F1 during server POST and set BIOS Start Options to point to the bus slot containing the SAN boot adapter (Default is Planar
10. Driver Version STORPort Miniport Driver
11. EMC provides in−depth documentation for configurations with QLogic adapters that contains helpful information for installing and configuring QLogic adapters with EMC Storage. This
documentation is located in the EMC section of the QLogic website (http://www.qlogic.com) along with HBA drivers, and BIOS.
12. BIOS 2.02
13. Driver Version STORPort Miniport Driver
14. Firmware Version 2.70a5 Available in the EMC−approved section of the Emulex website. http://www.emulex.com
15. Please see the HP website for supported BL c−Class model numbers.
The supported model numbers are available in the quickspecs documents available for each BL c−Class blade.
16. BIOS 1.26
17. BIOS 1.05
18. EMC recommends upgrading to the most recent, EMC−Approved, HBA driver.
19. BIOS 1.54
20. This HBA is equivalent to the QLogic QLA2340.
21. Driver Version 2.01a4 STORPort Miniport Driver
22. BIOS Multiboot v6.00a5 (3.00a4/4.00a1)
23. Driver Version 2.10a7 STORPort Miniport Driver
24. Legacy (x86) boot mode supported only for this server. EFI boot is not supported. EFI boot code should be removed from the HBA if installed.
25. Firmware Version 1.10a5
26. This HBA is equivalent to the Emulex LPe12002
27. This HBA is equivalent to the Emulex LPe12000
28. This HBA is equivalent to the Qlogic QLE2562
29. This HBA is equivalent to the Qlogic QLE2560
30. BIOS 2.02a2
31. HPQ (Compaq) Proliant server models that are not listed in the ESM but are only differentiated from supported models by an "R" designator, are rack−mountable servers and are
32. BIOS 1.23
33. The Linux Host Connectivity Guide, p/n 300−003−865, can be found on EMC Powerlink (http://powerlink.emc.com).
34. Boot from SAN with Linux native multipathing software (DM−MPIO) is not supported.
35. Booting from the SAN with PowerPath is supported. Refer to the Path Management Software section for supported versions of PowerPath.
36. Virtual machines running on VMWare ESX are supported booting from the array.
37. VMWare ESX Server itself is supported booting from external array.
38. PowerPath is not supported.
39. Firmware Version 1.92a1
40. PCI−Express slots 5,6,and 7 are disabled when system has 2 CPUs (2−socket).
41. FSC Fibre Channel module. Dual channel 4GBit/s HBA for BX6xx−series blade servers only.
42. BIOS 3.03a9
43. Firmware Version 2.72a2
44. BIOS 2.06
45. Driver Version STORPort Miniport Driver
46. BIOS 3.03a7
47. Powerpath is supported in boot from SAN configurations for Windows 2003 systems running STORPort drivers (QLogic & Emulex). Windows 2003 servers using STORPort drivers
require a Microsoft STORPort hotfix installed to boot with Powerpath. Please see your driver's requirements for the STORPort hotfix (QFE) version.
48. Driver Version 1.30a9 STORPort Miniport Driver
49. BIOS 2.01a2
50. Single node support only with Emulex 4Gb HBAs
51. Driver Version STORPort Miniport Driver
52. BIOS 1.52 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
53. FSC Fibre Channel module. Dual channel 2GBit/s HBA for BX6xx−series blade servers only.
54. BIOS 1.24 Available in the EMC−approved section of the QLogic website. http://www.qlogic.com
55. This dual port HBA is only supported on DELL PE 6850 in the right−most slot (seen from the rear of the server chassis) marked "FC"
56. BIOS 1.06
57. BIOS 1.70a3
58. FCode Value 2.72a2
59. EMC does not support booting from external arrays if the boot LUN uses a FAT32 file system and Powerpath is installed. For Powerpath/Boot support, NTFS must be used.
60. Internal port(s) on Qlogic or McData 4Gb FC switch module(s) must be set to 4Gb (if 4Gb operation is required or to 2Gb if 2Gb operation is required)
61. BIOS 3.02a6
62. EMC VolumeLogix Software required for multiple BladeServers when direct−attached to EMC Symmetrix storage.
63. Internal port(s) on QLogic or McData 4Gb FC switch module(s) must be set to 4Gb to SAN boot.
03/04/2009 239 CLARiiON AX150