4. Troubleshooting (EtherNet/IP)
2. Ping
ICMP ECHO "PING" functionality is available on the applicomIO solution. It is available through the diagnostic tool, ICMP tab.
(1)Entry field for the IP address or name of the remote station.
(2)Field showing result obtained:
-Status 0 : The station is present and has responded (the response time is given in the Time column)
-Status 33 : The station is not present
(3)Command field:
Clear | : Clears the list of results |
Ping | : Sends a PING command |
Loop | : Executes PING command in a loop |
Stop on Error : If Loop has been selected, stops if an error has occurred
Status | : Status of the PING request |
0 :OK
132: Resolution error
150 | Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 |