L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
Figure 2-8 Dragging
Dragging means selecting an item with the pointing cursor, and while keeping the left pointing device button depressed,moving the cursor to the desired new location,then releas- ing the button. (Figure
ErgoTrac Pointing Device
Control Adjustment
The Windows Control Panel provides customization of your ErgoTrac pointing device from the mouse icon. There are four (4) aspects of the ErgoTrac pointing device operation which you can adjust.
■Buttons – This lets you set up the buttons for right or left handed operation and set the time interval for double clicking.
■Pointers – This lets you set up the size and shape of the cursor for different functions.
■Motion – This lets you set up the relation of the speed of motion of your finger to the motion of the cursor and to enable a t railing tail for the cursor arrow.
■General – This allows you to choose the t ype of mouse being used. It is already set for your integrated ErgoTrac. You may need to change it for an external mouse.
You may want to try practicing with different adjustments until you find a combination that is comfortable for you.