L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
Menu Field | Options | Default | Description |
Maximum Capacity: | Display only. | — | Displays the maximum capacity of the drive calculated from the |
| parameters of the hard disk when Auto is selected and the type |
| is identified as hard disk, or User is selected. |
Disabled; 2; 4; 8;16. | — | This option cannot be changed when Auto is selected.Specify the | |
| MAX 32;MAX 64;MAX 128. |
| number of sectors per block for multiple sector transfer. MAX |
| refers to the size the disk returns when required. |
LBA Mode Control: | Enabled; Disabled. | — | Enables or disables logical Block Addressing in place of Cylinder, |
| Head, Sector addressing. This option cannot be changed when |
| Auto is selected. |
Transfer Mode: | Standard, Fast PIO 1; Fast PIO 2 | — | Selects the method for moving data to/from the drive. Autotype |
| Fast PIO 3; Fast PIO 4; |
| the drive to select the optimum transfer mode. This option |
| Fast PIO 3 / DMA; |
| cannot be changed when Auto is selected. |
| Fast PIO 4 / DMA. |
| is automatically set to mode 1 for Fast PIO 1, Fast PIO 2, |
| Fast PIO 3,and set to mode 2 for Fast PIO 4 / DMA. |
Ultra DMA Mode: | Disabled; Mode 0; | — | Selects the method for moving data to/from the drive. Autotype |
| Mode 1; Mode 2. |
| the drive to select the optimum transfer mode. This option |
| cannot be changed when Auto is selected. |