L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
If you reformat the internal hard drive ALL information including the operating system, applications software and data will be erased. Unless data is copied to floppy disks or other data storage media it will be permanently lost. All software will be need to be
you must allocate space for the Save-
more information.)
Your LifeBook 900 Series has many features for conserving power. Some power saving features are automatic and have no user control, such as those for the internal modem, while others depend on the user setting the parameter to best suit their operating conditions. Power sav- ing features include: turning the display bright- ness down,limiting the use of high power devices, activating an appropriate power savings profile,and putting your notebook in Suspend mode when not actually performing an opera- tion. As with all
Internal power management for your notebook is controlled from settings made in the BIOS setup utility, the application PowerPanel by Phoenix Technologies,and the Windows 95 Control Panel. If no settings have been made in PowerPanel or the Windows 95 Control Panel, the BIOS settings will be used. The PowerPanel and Windows 95 Control Panel options have been
Some particular power management para- meters are only available for setup from one of these places, others can be changed in any one of them.