DMC-1400 Series Command Reference GM 97
FUNCTION: Gantry mode
The GM command specifies the axes in which the gearing function is performed in the Gantry
mode. In this mode, the gearing will not stop by the ST command or by limit switches.
Only GR0 will stop the gearing in this mode.
ARGUMENTS: GM n or GMX=n where
n = 0 Disables gantry mode function
n = 1 Enables the gantry mode
n = ? Returns the state of gantry mode for the specified axis: 0 gantry mode
disabled, 1 gantry mode enabled
While Moving Yes Default Value 0
In a Program Yes Default Format 1.0
Command Line Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_GMx contains the state of gantry mode for the specified axis: 0 gantry mode disabled, 1
gantry mode enabled
GR Gear Ratio
GA Master Axis for Gearing
GM 1,1 Enable GM on all axes
GM 0 Disable GM on X-axis other axes remain unchanged
Hint: The GM command is useful for driving heavy load on both sides (Gantry Style).