FUNCTION: Dual (Auxiliary) Encoder Position
The DE n command defines the position of the auxiliary encoder.
The DE n command defines the encoder position when used with stepper motors.
Note: The auxiliary encoder is not available for the stepper axis.
n is a signed integer in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647 decimal
“?” returns the position of the auxiliary encoder
“?” returns the commanded reference position of the motor (in step pulses) when used with a
stepper motor. Example: DE0. This will define the TP or encoder position to 0. This
will not effect the DE? value. (To set the DE value when in stepper mode use the DP
While Moving Yes Default Value 0
In a Program Yes Default Format Position Format
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_DE contains the current position of the specified auxiliary encoder.
:DE 0 Set the current auxiliary encoder position to 0
:DE? Return auxiliary encoder positions
:DUALX=_DE Assign auxiliary encoder position of X-axis to the variable DUALX
HINT: Dual encoders are useful when you need an encoder on the motor and on the load. The
encoder on the load is typically the auxiliary encoder and is used to verify the true load position. Any
error in load position is used to correct the motor position.
66 ● DE DMC-1400 Series Command Reference