132 LS DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
The LS command sends a listing of the program memory. The listing will start with the line
pointed to by the first parameter, which can be either a line number or a label. If no
parameter is specified, it will start with line 0. The listing will end with the line pointed
to by the second parameter--again either a line number or label. If no parameter is
specified, the listing will go to the last line of the program.
ARGUMENTS: LS n,m where
n,m are valid numbers from 0 to 250 (0 to 500 for the DMC-1415/1416/1425), or labels. n is
the first line to be listed, m is the last.
While Moving Yes Default Value 0,Last Line
In a Program No Default Format ---
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
:LS #A,6 List program starting at #A through line 6
002 #A
003 PR 500
004 BG
005 AM
006 WT 200
HINT: Remember to quit the Edit Mode <cntrl> Q prior to giving the LS command.