152 OP DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
FUNCTION: Output Port
The OP command sends data to the output ports of the controller. You can use the output port
to control external switches and relays.
ARGUMENTS (DMC-1410/1411/1412/1414/1417): OP m,n where
m is an integer in the range 0 to 7 and is the decimal representation of the 3 output bits.
n is an integer in the range 1 to 3 decimal and is used to specify the number of bits effected
starting with the LSB. For example, if n=2, only outputs 1 and 2 will be changed by OP
m. If the n parameter is not specified, all bits will be changed.
ARGUMENTS (DMC-1415/1416/1425): OP m,a,b,c,d where
m is an integer in the range 0 to 7 and is the decimal representation of the general output bits.
a,b,c,d represent the extended I/O in consecutive groups of 16 bits, (values from 0 to 65535).
Arguments that are given for I/O points which are configured as inputs will be ignored.
The following table describes the arguments used to set the state of outputs.
Arguments Blocks Bits Description
m 0 1-3 General Outputs
a 2,3 17-32 Extended I/O
b 4,5 33-48 Extended I/O
c 6,7 49-64 Extended I/O
d 8,9 65-80 Extended I/O
n = ? returns the value of the argument, where n is any of the above arguments.
While Moving Yes Default Value 0
In a Program Yes Default Format 3.0
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
OPERAND USAGE (DMC-1410/1411/1412/1414/1417):
_OP contains the status of the outputs.
OPERAND USAGE (DMC-1415/1416/1425):
_OP0 contains the value of the first argument, m
_OP1 contains the value of the first argument, a
_OP2 contains the value of the first argument, b
_OP3 contains the value of the first argument, c
_OP4 contains the value of the first argument, d
SB Set output bit
CB Clear output bit
OB Output Byte