DMC-1400 Series Command Reference HM ● 99
The HM command performs a three-stage homing sequence for servo systems and two stage
sequence for stepper motor operation.
For servo motor operation, the first stage consists of the motor moving at the user
programmed speed until detecting a transition on the homing input for that axis. The
direction for this first stage is determined by the initial state of the Homing Input. Once
the homing input changes state, the motor decelerates to a stop. The state of the homing
input can be configured using the CN command.
The second stage consists of the motor changing directions and slowly approaching the
transition again. When the transition is detected, the motor is stopped instantaneously..
The third stage consists of the motor slowly moving forward until it detects an index pulse
from the encoder. It stops at this point and defines it as position 0.
For stepper mode operation, the sequence consists of the first two stages. The frequency of
the motion in stage 2 is 256 cts/ sec.
While Moving No Default Value
In a Program Yes Default Format
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_HM contains the state of the home switch.
CN Configure Home
FI Find Index Only
FE Find Home Only
HM Set Homing Mode
BG Begin Homing
HINT: You can create your own custom homing sequence by using the FE (Find Home Sensor only)
and FI (Find Index only) commands.