DMC-1400 Series Command Reference SA 179
FUNCTION: Send Command
SA sends a command from one Galil controller to another controller or IOC-7007 board over Ethernet.
Any command can be sent to another Galil card and will be interpreted by the card as a “local”
Note: A wait statement (e.g. WT5) must be inserted between successive calls to SA.
ARGUMENTS: SAh= arg or SAh=arg,arg,arg,arg,arg,arg,arg,arg where
h is the handle being used to send commands to other Galil Ethernet controller.
arg is a command, number, Galil controller or IOC-7007 operand, variable, mathematical
function, or string; The range for numeric values is 4 bytes of integer (231)followed by
two bytes of fraction (+/-2,147,483,647.9999). The maximum number of characters for a
string is 6 characters. Strings are identified by quotations.
Typical usage would have the first argument as a string such as “KI” and the subsequent
arguments as the arguments to the command: Example SAF= “KI”,1,2 would send the
command “KI 1,2”
While Moving Yes Default Value --
In a Program Yes Default Format --
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage DMC-1415/1416/1425
_SAhn gives the value of the response to the command sent with an SA command. The h
value represents the handle A thru H and the n value represents the specific field returned
from the controller (1-8). If the specific field is not used, the operand will be –2^31.
IH Set Internet Handles
SAA=”KI”,1,2;WT5 Sends the command to handle A (slave controller): KI 1,2
SAA=”KI?,?” Sends the command to handle A (slave controller): KI?,?
MG _SAA1 Display the content of the operand _SAA (first response to KI?,?
: 1
MG _SAA2 Display the content of the operand _SAA (2nd response to KI?,?
: 2
NOTE: A wait statement (eg. WT5) should be inserted between successive calls to SA.