DMC-1400 Series Command Reference CC ● 49
CC FUNCTION: Configure Communications Port 2
The CC command configures baud rate, handshake, echo, and daisy chain features for the
AUX SERIAL PORT, referred to as Port 2. This command must be given before using
the MG, IN or CI commands with Port 2.
m - Baud rate 300,1200,4800,9600,19200,38400
n - Handshake 0 for handshake off, 1 for handshake on
r - Mode 0 for daisy chain off, 1 for daisy chain on
p - Echo 0 for echo off, 1 for echo on
Note: echo only active when daisy chain feature is off
While Moving Yes Default Value 0,0,0
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage DMC-1412/1414
CI Communications Interrupt
CC 9600,0,0,1 9600 baud, no handshake, daisy chain off, echo on.
Typical setting with TERM-1500.
CC 19200,1,1,0 19,200 baud, handshake on, daisy chain on, echo off.
Typical setting in daisy chain mode.