48 CB DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
The CB command clears one of three bits on the output port sets the output to logic 0. The
CB and SB (Set Bit) instructions can be used to control the state of output lines.
ARGUMENTS: CB n, where
n is an integer corresponding to a specific output on the controller to be cleared (set to 0). The
first output on the controller is denoted as output 1. A standard DMC-1400 controller has 3
TTL digital outputs.
Note: When using Modbus devices (DMC-1415/1416/1425 only), the I/O points of the
Modbus devices are calculated using the following formula:
n = (SlaveAddress*10000) + (HandleNum*1000) + ((Module-1)*4) + (Bitnum-1)
Slave Address is used when the Modbus device has slave devices connected to it and
specified as Addresses 0 to 255. Please note that the use of slave devices for Modbus are
very rare and this number will usually be 0.
HandleNum is the handle specifier from A to F.
Module is the position of the module in the rack from 1 to 16.
BitNum is the I/O point in the module from 1 to 4.
While Moving Yes Default Value ---
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
SB Set Bit
OP Define all outputs
CB 1 Clear output bit 1
CB 2 Clear output bit 2
CB 3 Clear output bit 3