114 ● IT DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
IT FUNCTION: Independent Time Constant - Smoothing Function
The IT command filters the acceleration and deceleration functions in independent moves of
JG, PR, PA type to produce a smooth velocity profile. The resulting profile, known as S-
curve, has continuous acceleration and results in reduced mechanical vibrations. IT sets
the bandwidth of the filter where 1 means no filtering and 0.004 means maximum
filtering. Note that the filtering results in longer motion time.
The use of IT will not effect the trippoints AR and AD. The trippoints AR and AD monitor
the profile prior to the IT filter and therefore can be satisfied before the actual distance
has been reached if IT is NOT 1.
n is a positive number in the range between 0.004 and 1.0 with a resolution of 1/256
“?” returns the value of the independent time constant.
While Moving Yes Default Value 1.0
In a Program Yes Default Format 1.4
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_IT will return the value of the independent time constant.
IT 0.8 Set independent time constants
IT ? Return independent time constant