44 BP DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
FUNCTION: Burn Program
The BP command saves the application program in non-volatile EEPROM memory. This
command typically takes up to 10 seconds to execute and must not be interrupted. The
controller returns a : when the Burn is complete.
While Moving No Default Value ---
In a Program No
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage DMC-1412/1414/1415/1416/1425
Note: This command may cause the Galil software to issue the following warning "A time-out occurred
while waiting for a response from the controller". This warning is normal and is designed to warn the
user when the controller does not respond to a command within the timeout period. This occurs
because this command takes more time than the default timeout of 5 sec. The timeout can be changed
in the Galil software but this warning does not affect the operation of the controller or software.