118 ● JS DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
JS FUNCTION: Jump to Subroutine
The JS command will change the sequential order of execution of commands in a program. If
the jump is taken, program execution will continue at the line specified by the destination
parameter, which can be either a line number or label. The line number of the JS
command is saved and after the next EN command is encountered (End of subroutine),
program execution will continue with the instruction following the JS command. There
can be a JS command within a subroutine.
Multiple conditions can be used in a single jump subroutine statement. The conditional
statements are combined in pairs using the operands “&” and “|”. The “&” operand
between any two conditions requires that both statements must be true for the combined
statement to be true. The ”|” operand between any two conditions requires that only one
statement be true for the combined statement to be true. Note: Each condition must be
placed in parenthesis for proper evaluation by the controller.
Note: Subroutines can be nested 8 deep in the standard controller.
ARGUMENTS: JS destination,condition where
destination is a line number or label
condition is a conditional statement using a logical operator
The logical operators are:
< less than or equal to
> greater than
= equal to
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
<> not equal
While Moving Yes Default Value ---
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line No
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
EN End
JS #SQUARE,V1<5 Jump to subroutine #SQUARE if V1 is less than 5
JS #LOOP,V1<>0 Jump to #LOOP if V1 is not equal to 0
JS #A Jump to subroutine #A (no condition)