DMC-1400 Series Command Reference UI ● 207
UI FUNCTION: User Interrupt
The UI command causes an interrupt on the selected IRQ line. There are 16 user interrupts
where UI n, n = 0 through 15. Prior to using the UI command, one IRQ line must be
jumpered on the DMC-141X. An interrupt service routine must also be incorporated in
your host program. The IV command should be sent from this routine for interrupt status
and to re-enable the interrupt. Refer to Chapter 4 in the product manual for details.
n is an integer between 0 and 15.
While Moving Yes Default Value 0
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage DMC-1410/1411/1417
#I Label
PR 10000 Position relative
SP 5000 Speed
BG Begin motion
AS Wait for at speed
UI 1 Send interrupt 1
EN End program
This program sends an interrupt to the selected IRQ line. The host should have an interrupt service
routine written to handle the interrupts. The IV command may be used to return interrupt information
and re-enable the interrupts.