18 AF DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
FUNCTION: Analog Feedback
The Analog Feedback (AF) command is used to set an axis with analog feedback instead of
digital feedback (quadrature/pulse dir). As the analog feedback is decoded by a 12-bit
A/D converter, an input voltage of 10 volts is decoded as a position of 2047 counts and a
voltage of -10 volts corresponds to a position of -2048 counts. When using Analog
Feedback mode, X axis feedback must be wired to analog input 1 and Y axis feedback
must be wired to analog input 2.
ARGUMENTS: AF x,y AFX=x AF a,b where
x,y are integers
1 = Enables analog feedback
0 = Disables analog feedback and switches to digital feedback
"?" returns a 0 or 1 which states whether analog feedback is enabled for the specified axes.
While Moving No Default Value 0,0,0,0
In a Program Yes Default Format -
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage DMC-1415/1416/1425 only
_AFx contains the value of acceleration for the specified axis.
CE Configure Encoder
AF 1,0 Analog feedback on X axis
V1 = _AFX Assign feedback type to variable
AF ? Interrogate feedback type