88 ● ET DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
ET FUNCTION: Electronic cam table
The ET command sets the ECAM table entries for the slave axis. The values of the master are
not required. The slave entry (n) is the position of the slave when the master is at the
point (n ∗ i) + o, where i is the interval and o is the offset as determined by the EP
ARGUMENTS: ET [n] = m where
n is an integer between 0 and 256
m is an integer in the range between -2,147,438,648, and 2,147,438,647
While Moving Yes Default Value
In a Program Yes Default Format
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
EB Enable Ecam
EG Engage Ecam
EM Specify Ecam Cycle
EP Specify Ecam intervals and starting point
EQ Ecam quit
ET [7] = 1000 Specifies the position of the slave that must be synchronized with the
eighth increment of the master.