DMC-1400 Series Command Reference TS ● 203
TS FUNCTION: Tell Switches
TS returns the state of the Home switch, Forward and Reverse Limit switch, error conditions,
motion condition and motor state. The value returned by this command is decimal and
represents an 8 bit value (decimal value ranges from 0 to 255). Each bit represents the
following status information.
Bit 7 Axis in motion if high
Bit 6 Error limit exceeded if high
Bit 5 Motor off if high
Bit 4 Undefined
Bit 3 Forward Limit inactive if high
Bit 2 Reverse Limit inactive if high
Bit 1 State of home switch
Bit 0 Latch not armed if high
Note: The value for bits 1, 2 and 3 depend on the limit switch and home switch configuration
(see CN command). For active low configuration (default), these bits are ‘1’ when the switch
is inactive and ‘0’ when active. For active high configuration, these bits are ‘0’ when the
switch is inactive and ‘1’ when active.
ARGUMENTS: TS xx where
x is X or Y or both, an argument is only required by the DMC-1425
While Moving Yes Default Value ---
In a Progra
Yes Default Format 3.0
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogate
Used as an Operan
Controller Usage ALL
_TS contains the current status of the switches.
V1=_TSX Assigns value of TSX to the variable V1
V1= Interrogate value of variable V1
015 (returned value) Decimal value corresponding to bit pattern 00001111
X axis not in motion (bit 7 has value of 0)
X axis error limit not exceeded (bit 6 has value of 0)
X axis motor is on (bit 5 has value of 0)
X axis forward limit is inactive (bit 3 has value of 1)
X axis reverse limit is inactive (bit 2 has value of 1)
X axis home switch is high (bit 1 has value of 1)
X axis latch is not armed (bit 0 has value of 1)