DMC-1400 Series Command Reference _LF* ● 125
_LF* FUNCTION: Forward Limit Switch Operand (Keyword)
The _LF operand contains the state of the forward limit switch for the specified axis.
The operand is specified as: _LFn where n is the specified axis.
Note: This operand is affected by the configuration of the limit switches set by the command
For CN -1:
_LFn = 1 when the limit swithch input is inactive*
_LFn = 0 when the limit switch input is active*
For CN 1:
_LFn – 0 when the limit switch input is negative*
_LFn = 1 when the limit switch input is active*
MG _LF Display the status of the forward limit switch
JP#A,_LF=0 Jump to label, #A, forward limit switch is activated