170 RE DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
FUNCTION: Return from Error Routine
The RE command is used to end a position error handling subroutine or limit switch handling
subroutine. The error handling subroutine begins with the #POSERR label. The limit
switch handling subroutine begins with the #LIMSWI. An RE at the end of these
routines causes a return to the main program. Care should be taken to be sure the error or
limit switch conditions no longer occur to avoid re-entering the subroutines. If the
program sequencer was waiting for a trippoint to occur, prior to the error interrupt, the
trippoint condition is preserved on the return to the program if RE1 is used. RE0 clears
the trippoint. To avoid returning to the main program on an interrupt, use the ZS
command to zero the subroutine stack. No RE needed after ZS.
n = 0 or 1
0 clears the interrupted trippoint
1 restores state of trippoint
While Moving No Default Value 0
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line No
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
#POSERR Error Subroutine
#LIMSWI Limit Subroutine
#A;JP #A;EN Label for main program
#POSERR Begin Error Handling Subroutine
MG "ERROR" Print message
SB1 Set output bit 1
RE Return to main program and clear trippoint
HINT: An applications program must be executing for the #LIMSWI and #POSERR subroutines to