DMC-1400 Series Command Reference PF 161
FUNCTION: Position Format
The PF command allows the user to format the position numbers such as those returned by
TP. The number of digits of integers and the number of digits of fractions can be selected
with this command. An extra digit for sign and a digit for decimal point will be added to
the total number of digits. If PF is minus, the format will be hexadecimal and a dollar
sign will precede the characters. Hex numbers are displayed as 2's complement with the
first bit used to signify the sign.
If a number exceeds the format, the number will be displayed as the maximum possible
positive or negative number (i.e. 999.99, -999, $8000 or $7FF).
The PF command can be used to format values returned from the following commands:
BL ? PA ?
DE ? PR ?
FL ?
IP ?
ARGUMENTS: PF m.n where
m is an integer between -8 and 10. The negative sign for m specifies hexadecimal
n is an integer between 0 and 4
PF? Returns the value of m
While Moving Yes Default Value 10.0
In a Program Yes Default Format 10.0
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_PF contains the value of position format parameter.
:TP Tell position
0000000000 Default format
:PF 5.2 Change format to 5 digits of integers and 2 of fractions
:TP Tell Position
PF-5.2 New format Change format to hexadecimal*
:TP Tell Position
$00015.00 Report in hex