FUNCTION: Output Bit
The OB n, logical expression command defines output bit n as either 0 or 1 depending on the
result from the logical expression. Any non-zero value of the expression results in a one
on the output.
ARGUMENTS: OB n, expression where
n is output bit
expression is any valid logical expression, variable or array element.
While Moving Yes Default Value ---
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
OB 1, POS 1 If POS 1 is non-zero, Bit 1 is high.
If POS 1 is zero, Bit 1 is low
OB 2, @IN[1]&@IN[2] If Input 1 and Input 2 are both high, then
Output 2 is set high
OB 3, COUNT[1] If the element 1 in the array is zero, clear bit 3, otherwise set bit 3
OB N, COUNT[1] If element 1 in the array is zero, clear bit N
148 OB DMC-1400 Series Command Reference