DMC-1400 Series Command Reference AO 23
FUNCTION: Analog Out
The AO command sets the analog output voltage of Modbus Devices connected via Ethernet.
ARGUMENTS: AO m, n where
m is the I/O number calculated using the following equations:
m = (SlaveAddress*10000) + (HandleNum*1000) + ((Module-1)*4) + (Bitnum-1)
Slave Address is used when the Modbus device has slave devices connected to it and specified as
Addresses 0 to 255. Please note that the use of slave devices
for Modbus are very rare and this number will usually be 0.
HandleNum is the handle specifier from A to F (1 to 6).
Module is the position of the module in the rack from 1 to 16.
BitNum is the I/O point in the module from 1 to 4.
n = the voltage which ranges from 9.99 to –9.99
While Moving Yes Default Value ---
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line Yes
Controller Usage DMC-1415/1416/1425
SB Set Bit
CB Clear Bit