FUNCTION: Define Position
The DP command sets the current motor position and current command positions to a user
specified value. The units are in quadrature counts. This command will set both the TP
and RP values.
The DP command sets the commanded reference position in stepper mode. The units are in
steps. Example: DP0. This will set the DE value to zero, but will not effect the TP
n is a signed integer in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647 decimal
“?” returns the current position of the motor
While Moving No Default Value 0
In a Program Yes Default Format Position Format
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_DP contains the current position.
:DP 0 Sets the current position of the X-axis to 0
:DP –50000 Sets the current position to -50000.
:DP ?
-0050000 Returns the motor position
HINT: The DP command is useful to redefine the absolute position. For example, you can manually
position the motor by hand using the Motor Off command, MO. Turn the servo motors back on with
SH and then use DP0 to redefine the new position as your absolute zero.
DMC-1400 Series Command Reference DP ● 69