DMC-1400 Series Command Reference MT 143
FUNCTION: Motor Type
The MT command selects the type of the motor and the polarity of the drive signal. Motor
types include standard servo motors which require a voltage in the range of +/- 10 Volts,
and step motors which require pulse and direction signals. The polarity reversal inverts
the analog signals for servo motors, and inverts logic level of the pulse train, for step
ARGUMENTS: MT n where n is:
1 Servo motor
-1 Servo motor reversed polarity
2 Step motor with active low step pulses
-2 Step motor with active high step pulses
2.5 Step motor with reversed direction and active low step pulses
-2.5 Step motor with reversed direction and active high step pulses
“?” returns the value of the motor type
While Moving Yes Default Value 1
In a Program Yes Default Format 1.0
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_MT contains the value of the motor type.
CN Configure step pulse width
MT 1 Configure x as servo
MT ? Interrogate motor type
V=_MT Assign motor type to variable