212 ● VF DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
VF FUNCTION: Variable Format
The VF command allows the variables and arrays to be formatted for number of digits before
and after the decimal point. When displayed, the value m represents the number of digits
before the decimal point, and the value n represents the number of digits after the decimal
point. When in hexadecimal, the string will be preceded by a $. Hex numbers are
displayed as 2's complement with the first bit used to signify the sign.
If a number exceeds the format, the number will be displayed as the maximum possible
positive or negative number (i.e. 999.99, -999, $8000 or $7FF).
ARGUMENTS: VF m.n where
m and n are unsigned numbers in the range 0<m<10 and 0<n<4. A negative m specifies
hexadecimal format.
VF? returns the value of the format for variables and arrays.
While Moving Yes Default Value 10.4
In a Program Yes Default Format 2.1
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_VF contains the value of the format for variables and arrays.
VF 5.3 Sets 5 digits of integers and 3 digits after the decimal point
VF 8.0 Sets 8 digits of integers and no fractions
VF -4.0 Specify hexadecimal format with 4 bytes to the left of the decimal