56 CN DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
FUNCTION: Configure
The CN command configures the polarity of the limit switches, the home switch and the latch
ARGUMENTS: CN m,n,o where
m,n,o are integers with values 1 or -1.
m = 1 Limit switches active high
-1 Limit switches active low
n = 1 Home switch configured to drive motor in
forward direction when input is high. See HM
and FE commands
-1 Home switch configured to drive motor in
reverse direction when input is high. See HM
and FE commands
o = 1 Latch input is active high
-1 Latch input is active low
While Moving Yes Default Value -1.-1.-1
In a Program Yes Default Format 2.0
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
MT Motor Type
CN 1,1 Sets limit and home switches to active high
CN,, -1 Sets input latch active low