DMC-1400 Series Command Reference VM 213
FUNCTION: Coordinated Motion Mode
The VM command specifies the coordinated motion mode and the plane of motion. This
command is only used for the DMC-1425 two axis controller.
The motion is specified by the instructions VP and CR, which specify linear and circular
segments. Up to 511 segments may be given before the Begin Sequence (BGS)
command. Additional segments may be given during the motion when the buffer frees
additional spaces for new segments. It is the responsibility of the user to keep enough
motion segments in the buffer to ensure continuous motion.
The Vector End (VE) command must be given after the last segment. This allows the
controller to properly decelerate.
ARGUMENTS: VM n,m where
n and m specify plane of vector motion. Vector Motion can be specified for one axis by
specifying 2nd parameter, m, as N (the designation for the virtual axis). Specifying one
axis is useful for obtaining sinusoidal motion on 1 axis.
While Moving No Default Value X,Y
In a Program Yes Default Format -
Command Line Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_VM contains instantaneous commanded vector velocity for the coordinate system.
VP Vector Position
VS Vector Speed
VA Vector Acceleration
VD Vector Deceleration
CR Circle
VE End Vector Sequence
CS Clear Sequence
VT Vector smoothing constant
VM XY Specify coordinated mode for X,Y
CR 500,0,180 Specify arc segment
VP 100,200 Specify linear segment
VE End vector
BGS Begin sequence